ISI Certification

ISI Certification Certification Certification

Extended Producer Responsibility

What Exactly Is ISI?

Registration of the ISI mark is required for all certifying products sold in India. The mark is intended to improve product quality and safety. ISI-certified products indicate that they meet Indian quality standards. You can expand your business by obtaining ISI certification for your products. If products sold in India do not have ISI, they cannot be sold within India's borders.
Our experts at ThinkTrek Technology can assist you in obtaining ISI certification for your products. Within a few days, your company will be ISI certified, and you will be able to expand your business by producing ISI certified LED lights and LED products.

The following documents are required for ISI registration:

  • The company's registration certificate.
  • Property tax insurance policy received If the property is rented, the rent agreement must be submitted.
  • Electricity bill Telephone bill
  • Account statement
  • Aadhar card of the company's directors
  • Voter identification card
  • Driving Permit
  • Copies of test results
  • Manufacturing machinery list
  • Copies of testing equipment calibration certificates