Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ under CRS:

Who is eligible to get Unique Registration Number – the manufacturer or importer?

A. The manufacturer is eligible to apply and get unique registration number which is linked to manufacturer, location of factory, product, and brand.

IS standard Mark for product fall under CRS will be on the product or packaging?

A. The Standard Mark shall be placed on the product & the packaging both however, if it is not feasible to place the same on the product for size constraints, it can be put on the packaging only. For the products with display screen, provisions of e-labelling of products also exist.

What are safety critical components?

A. Typical safety critical components* are - •Power cords • Switches • Safety Isolating Transformers • Fuses • Rechargeable Batteries • Picture tubes • PCBs • Thermostats • X and Y capacitors • Fusible resistors / varistors • Plug / sockets / connectors • Lamp holders • Cells (For batteries ) • External and internal wire for LED Luminaires • Insulation tape • Electrolytic Bulk Capacitor

What is “Highly Specialized Equipment” (HSE) and is it covered under BIS?

A. Highly Specialized Equipment (HSE), as per the criteria given below, shall stand exempted from the application of this Order provided they are manufactured / imported in less than 100 units per model per year –

  • a. Equipment Powered by Three phase power supply, or
  • b. Equipment Powered by Single phase power supply with current rating exceeding 16 Ampere, or
  • c. Equipment with dimensions exceeding 1.5 m x 0.8 m, or
  • d. Equipment with weight exceeding 80 Kg
What kind of batteries are covered under the CRS?

A. The scope of coverage is as defined in the clause 1 of the standard IS 16406. This is deemed to cover rechargeable batteries / single cells like Lithium ion batteries, Nickel-Cadmium and Nickel-Metal Hydride cells.

FAQ under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016:

What is Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE)?

A. Under the E-Waste (M) Rules, 2016, 'Electrical and Electronic Equipment' (EEE) means equipment which are dependent on electric current or electro-magnetic field to become functional.

What Is E- Waste?

A. Electronic Waste (E-Waste) means electrical and electronic equipment, whole or in part discarded as waste by the consumer or bulk consumer as well as rejects from manufacturing, refurbishment, and repair processes.

What are the salient features of the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016?

A. The salient features of the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 are as follows:

  • Extended Responsibility to producers to manage a system of E-waste collection and channelisation through EPR Authorisation.
  • To promote and encourage establishment of an efficient e-waste collection mechanism
  • Promote Environmentally Safe & Sound Recycling by channelizing E-waste to authorized dismantlers and recyclers of e-waste
  • To minimize illegal recycling / recovery operations
  • Reduce Hazardous substances in Electrical and Electronic components
The E-Waste (M) Rules, 2016 shall apply to whom?

A. The E-Waste(M) Rules shall apply to every manufacturer, producer, consumer, bulk consumer, collection centres, dealers, e-retailer, refurbisher, dismantler and recycler involved in manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, collection, storage and processing of e-waste or electrical and electronic equipment listed in Schedule I, including their components, consumables, parts and spares which make the product operational.

What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)?

A. ‘Extended Producer Responsibility’ means responsibility of any producer of electrical or electronic equipment, for channelization of e-waste to ensure environmentally sound management of such waste. Extended Producer Responsibility may comprise of implementing take back system and/or setting up of collection centres and having agreed arrangements with authorised dismantler/recycler either individually or collectively through a Producer Responsibility Organization recognised by producer or producers in their Extended Producer Responsibility – Authorisation.

What is ‘Extended Producer Responsibility - Authorisation’ (EPRA)?

A. Extended Producer Responsibility - Authorisation’ means a permission given by Central Pollution Control Board to a producer, for managing Extended Producer Responsibility with implementation plans and targets outlined in such authorisation including detail of Producer Responsibility Organization and e-waste exchange, if applicable

Whether all the Producers of EEE are required to take EPR Authorization

A. EPR authorisation is mandatory and must be obtained by all the producers of EEE including their components, consumables, parts and spares covered under the rules covered in schedule –I of E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016.

What is Extended Producer Responsibility Plan?

A. ‘Extended Producer Responsibility Plan’ means a plan submitted by a producer to Central Pollution Control Board, at the time of applying for Extended Producer Responsibility - Authorisation in which a producer shall provide details of e-waste channelization system for targeted collection including detail of Producer Responsibility Organisation and e-waste exchange, if applicable. EPR Plan is an implementation plan of the producer where the producer gives its overall scheme to fulfil its Extended Producer Responsibility for achieving targets and details out the mechanism for collection and channelisation of e-waste generated by him.
The EPR plan requires estimating the quantity of E-waste generated from their end-of-life products, outlining a scheme for collection and channelization of their end-of-life products or products with same EEE code to authorised dismantlers/recyclers, estimated budget for implementing EPR, outline the scheme of creating awareness, declaration on ROHS compliance and submission of documents. To make EPR Plan complete the producer is required to ensure that all the e- waste collected should be finally sent to authorised recycler

What is PRO under the E-Waste Rules ?

A. A PRO means Producer Responsibility Organization means a professional organisation authorised or financed collectively or individually by producers, which can take the responsibility for collection and channelization of e-waste generated from the ‘end-of-life’ of their products to ensure environmentally sound management of such e-waste.

What is role of PRO?

A. The Role of PRO:

  • A PRO can assist a producer or producers in meeting their legal obligations (achieving collection targets, setting up of collection centres/points/implementing take back, carrying awareness programmes etc.), only if producer (s) engage that PRO.
  • PRO shall have an agreement with producer(s) or a consortium of producers. Such agreement shall outline the role and responsibility of PRO for managing EPR.

FAQ under Plastic Waste Management (PWM):

What is plastic waste management rule?

A. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) notified the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 on 18th March, 2016. The Ministry also notified the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 on 8th April, 2016. As plastic waste is part of solid waste. Under the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, mandate the generators of plastic waste to take steps to minimize generation of plastic waste.

Which types of plastic cover under Plastic Waste Management Extended Producer Responsibility?

A. The following plastic packaging categories are covers under Extended Producer Responsibility:

  • (i) Category I Rigid plastic packaging.
  • (ii) Category II Flexible plastic packaging of single layer or multilayer (more than one layer with different types of plastic), plastic sheets or like and covers made of plastic sheet, carry bags, plastic sachet, or pouches.
  • (iii) Category III Multi-layered plastic packaging (at least one layer of plastic and at least one layer of material other than plastic);
  • (iv) Category IV Plastic sheet or like used for packaging as well as carry bags made of compostable plastics.
Whether all the Producer of plastic are required to take EPR Authorization (PWM)

A. The following entities shall register on the centralized portal developed by Central Pollution Control Board namely: -

  • (i) Producer (P).
  • (ii) Importer (I).
  • (iii) Brand owner (BO).
  • (iv) Plastic Waste Processor engaged in (a) recycling, (b) waste to energy, (c) waste to oil, and (iv) industrial composting.